What to do when you see other Singaporeans overseas

Since the social engineering of Singaporean society has been so successful, we have all been well trained to have achievements in maths, science, MRT breakdowns, and in clean toilets, and the like.

Obviously, as we all acknowledge, this has come at the cost of our EQ and social capabilities, which prevent us (or make the bar really low) from xian-ing charbor, becoming successful insurance salesmen who get awards every week, and other things that require interaction with other people.

This includes when we go overseas to live for good, and we still have to learn to socialise with people. Again, there are already numerous guides on how to fit into local culture, e.g. by adding "mate" or "g'day (pronounced "good die") to every sentence, etc.

But when you see a familiar Singaporean face in the foreign city you've adopted as home, all those feelings of home come rushing back just like those you get whenever you hear Kit Chan's Home at National Day.

You know the words. 

The distinct accent, the Longchamp bag, the slippers and shorts at 5 degrees, the army / I luv SG t-shirts, standard SAF issue bags and new balance running shoes, or the Bedok Town secondary school basketball team t-shirt, or the mat slippers/tapered jeans/small converse sling bag/large cap.

As well integrated as you claim to be after spending 6 months here because you have 1 ang moh friend, these evoke a sense of nostalgia and Singaporean-ness to you.

Remember this Ah Lian? *luv*

Unfortunately that also means we revert to Singaporean behaviour (FYI this is the correct way of using revert, for those who speak ang moh or went to ang moh country to study and now come back like to correct ah beng ah lian english at work or post facebook statuses complaining about how lousy everyone's england is)

So, since I like lists, and Singaporeans like being told what to do, what to do (or not to do) when you see a fellow Singaporean?

A random old man telling you what to do. 

Option 1. Go up to them and say Hi 

This happened to me on holiday and we actually had a very pleasant and nice conversation with a family who had moved overseas. We were trying to get a gift for my grandma at some outlet shop and saw a lao auntie in the family and asked for her opinion on which pattern she prefer, and ended up talking about (guess what) Singapore. Very nice and pleasant people which shows not all Singaporeans are stuck up and rude.

Not all of us are gifted with being able to talk to people naturally. That is okay. Some are painfully introverted and prefer to hide behind a keyboard typing blog posts nobody reads, and socially inept. Like I always say, be yourself, don't need to be someone different. Migrating isn't going to magically make you a social butterfly.

If this is the case, and you really can't help staring, acknowledge their presence with a smile and they can decide whether they want to be friendly and say hi, or want to continue doing your/their thing.

Smile at people more. 

Things not to do when you see another Singaporean: 


1. Point at them loudly to your friend and say "EH THAT ONE SINGAPOREAN LEH"

"Kua simi?"

2. or spend the next 30 minutes staring at them and whispering to your friend "EH NA GE HAO XIANG SINGAPOREAN LEH / EH MACAM SINGAPOREAN SIAK"

3. or even worse, "EEYEAR, THAT ONE SINGAPOREAN LEH!!!" and then proceed to cut their queue / chope their seat / do something very Singaporean. You move overseas already very atas meh?! walaoeh ah lian, you slang how much also people can tell you are Singaporean lah

Slang a bit and this will be you. Not. 

And don't suddenly start talking loudly about how much you hate PAP. They might be gahmen spies.

That's really it. Its that simple.
