14 months in Australia

It's been forever since my last blog post but something inspired me in the wee hours of the night to write this piece of crap.

14 months in, no regrets,  not once have I ever seriously thought about turning back.  All my thoughts were about what I could do in order not to turn back.  What if I ran out of money?  What if my family became sick? I've still got friends persuading me to return,  but my answer is always No. 

There is also the odd consultation once in a while. But whenever I spoke of the difficulties and what we had to go through to make it here,  90% turned their heads away and gave up even before they started. Fucking cowards with an entitled mentality. 

The door is now pretty much closed on skilled migrants given the recent policy changes.  And boy am I glad I made it by the skin of my teeth. For those who did not heed my advice,  you can continue to rot in sinkie land. 
