Invitation to LHY and LWL to join our humble blog

So, if you've not been constantly on Facebook (get with the times old person), this happened [link]:

"The younger siblings of Singapore’s prime minister, Lee Hsien Loong, have launched a scathing personal and political attack on him, saying they have lost confidence in him as a leader and accusing their “big brother omnipresent” of abusing his power.

Lee Wei Ling and her brother Lee Hsien Yang said in a public statement released in the early hours of Wednesday that they were “disturbed by the character, conduct, motives and leadership” of the premier and his wife.

Their criticism appeared to focus on a dispute over the fate of the family home, the influence of the first lady on government, and allegations that the prime minister had unannounced political ambitions for his son.

“We feel extremely sad that we are pushed to this position,” they wrote. “We have seen a completely different face to our brother, one that deeply troubles us.”

With the prospect of Lao Lee possibly returning with all our  CPF money in hell notes, this also happened:

SINGAPORE - Mr Lee Hsien Yang, the younger brother of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, has not left Singapore but is making preparations to do so, said his wife, Mrs Lee Suet Fern on Wednesday (June 14).
When The Straits Times went to their home, Mrs Lee, a top corporate lawyer who is managing partner at Morgan Lewis Stamford, was just about to leave for the office.
She said that Mr Lee Hsien Yang had already left for work, and added that she and her husband were in the process of preparing to leave the country.

When we started this blog, we wanted to get the diverse views of all Singaporean chao quitters, not just a few middle aged guys talking about NS, arguing about how shit Liverpool are, and so far, we aren't doing too well on our "diversity" promises like the fad is for all the corporates these days, with only one resident bimbo and about 5 contributors who are middle aged guys talking about NS and all agree how shit Liverpool is (including those who continue supporting them)... 
We should hear all views, as diverse as they are, including peasant chao quitters, and elite chao quitters. Thus, here is an open invitation from your humble peasants, to Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling to join our humble peasant blog as contributors. 
We are qualified, we have begrees from University of London (Clementi Campus) so we can understand some of what you are saying even though we may not be fit for Singapore parliament because we ish beh kan.
So Hsien Yang and Wei Ling, you know where to find us (since your brother already monitors us anyway, but can't give a shit because we are too unimportant and don't speak with American accent) if you want to join us. I promise we will ensure that only top quality Tiger beer is served if you join us.
