Slavery by another name - The purpose of NS

As NS50 approaches, I choose to write this topic close and dear to my heart. NS. I'll break this down into 2 easy to digest parts - Purpose and Appreciation.


The entire NS process is extremely inefficient, and is just overkill. Besides the jokes on wayang, eye power, NATO, act blur, taiji, these are some interesting facts on other nations with National Service.

Taiwan: Currently 4 months, to be phased out and replaced with a volunteer army soon. No reservist.
Korea: 21-24 months, 6 years of reservist (only a few days)
Switzerland: 300 days, no reservist, can opt for civilian service (340 days)

Singapore? I did 2.5 years (minus 2 months from IPPT exemption), and its 2 years now, with 10 years of reservist, generally 7 high key (typically 3 weeks) and 3 low key (Typically a week) , with IPPT obligations.

Why does Korea, a country in much higher danger than us, in a permanent state of near-war, have shorter NS duration than us? Is their training better? Is it because we only use eye power? Are we inefficient?

The duration and subsequent obligation is extremely onerous for a society that is already extremely busy with the longest working hours in the world. I believe most NS men will feel like their entire life is dedicated to 2 things - work and NS

So why the long period of time? I don't think I'm alone when I say that I learnt the most in my first 6 months, and the remaining time was just wasted on trying to burn time in what is the most valuable period of time for the youths of most other countries. All I remember past 6 months is volunteering to be vehicle commander as much as I can, so I can chao keng with the driver.

Our fighting effectiveness and morale is also mixed due to this. While some are proud and will banzai charge and die, so their officers can get shiny medals, I've heard all sorts of interesting responses to the question if they will die for Singapore, from becoming a turncoat, to trying to flee in a sampan to Australia. This is during peacetime, and I cannot imagine how bad it'll turn out during war.

My theory is that NS is used as a tool for control. For 2 years, your ass is the government's. For 10 subsequent years after that, the government reminds you that your ass is theirs. On your birthday, the first person that greets you is MINDEF, telling you to do IPPT, or go to jail. Even overseas, as a reminder to apply for exit permit, every year, you get a threatening email, full of words like "conviction" "fine" and "imprisonment" reminding you bluntly that your ass in the government's

Despite all the military training, in my experience, Singaporean men are one of the most passive and obedient lot I've ever met, and I've met people from all corners of the world. On the surface, it doesn't make sense, but if you look deeper, it does. NS teaches us to obey regardless of how stupid a command is. It teaches us that harsh, disproportionate punishment awaits those who speak out. It teaches you that your best belongs to the government.

A lot of unrest in the world is due to restless, displaced young men wanting to change the world. I believe NS is the way Singapore uses to castrate Singaporean men, and turn us into quiet, willing servants for the powers that be.

Worst of all, despite giving the best of our lives, we're repaid in the worst and most obnoxious ways possible, which I'll cover in my next part.


  1. I enjoyed reading the posts here. Keep writing!


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